Michael Haase
Michael is the co-owner and managing partner of Think Global Holdings. His primary contribution is around leadership advisory, growth and scale, strategy building, sales marketing and operations for the Think clients. Michael's passion is to engage with diverse, dynamic business leaders and organizations to build growth and drive them towards success, while achieving balance in life. Michael is also the co-owner and leader of a Denver based tech services business.
For the past 25 years, Michael has been a tech enthusiast and entrepreneur. Surrounding himself with great people, Michael has built, transformed and led organizations in the software, hardware, SAP, Cloud services space. Holding executive and leadership roles, board positions and investor operations, Michael has been able to successfully impact organizations across many verticals and markets.
The human-centered approach around growth and scale is the key to building enterprise value in organizations. This is the foundation in which we approach business everyday. Michael has a simple belief in business, be true to your values, have integrity, be honest, be present, care for others and be an nice person. Everything else is just business.
Michael proudly served in the United States Air Force and Wisconsin Air National Guard for 11 years from 1995 to 2006 where he was awarded numerous accommodations for leadership and performance. He lives and works out of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area with his wife Tammy and kids Preston and Sloane. Michael is a voice in the community and a strong positive influence for many of the youth through mentoring and coaching activities.